Please pray for

  • Please continue to pray for all the KIAA children to receive sponsors to help each child in the amount of $70 per month, so $840 per year for each of the children living at the center, totaling $10080 for the 12 children staying currently in the KIAA center. We affirm empowering Cambodian children to improve their quality of life through education. You can change these children’s future through your love and sponsor them.
  • Pray for KIAA to have its own property and KIAA building, We want a Christian Arts School that has the space for ongoing equipping of children and youth in general academics, English, Music, Dancing, Drama, and Drawing. We really need to have a Large Stage to be used for daily dance practice and for performances.
  • Pray for funds to cover Monthly Expenses of House rental, food, and transportation, and for the current 16 children including our family.
  • Pray for funds for scholarships for 16 children.
  • Pray for Large Donation for KIAA team to visit Khmer churches in the USA & Europe
  • Pray for volunteers to be partner fundraisers for the KIAA

Praise God for Answers to Prayer

  • Daily provision for the 16 childen at KIAA