What is new and coming.

Dear beloved Friends,

We would love to share the testimony about Sokmean 9 years old and Sokmeng 8 years old. They are brothers. The family lived in Kompongchnang province. Sokmean arrived at the KIAA center last year and his brother joined us two weeks ago.

Two years ago, their father died in a tuk tuk accident leaving three children and his wife behind. Before he died, the father had a home construction business, but when he died he owed $10000. to the bank to buy construction material. On his death, his wife had to try and pay the loan. She found a job to help to pay to the bank but the interest grows every month.

Full time work and a large debt left very little money to support the mother and her children. In the mother’s hometown, there were gangs and drugs that made growing up poor very dangerous. So the mother looked for ways to help the children.

Last year, she found out about the KIAA center. She saw that it was a place where the children could come to know Jesus Christ and get a good general education and a Khmer arts education. She searched and finally, she found us and asked that her children come live with us.

Reaksmey and I interviewed Sokmean and Sokmeng’s mother about her situation. We went to her hometown to find out the real life of the children and her. When we went to visit them, it made our hearts cry and we fell in love these children. The children came in to talk to us and begged us to let them stay at KIAA center to learn with our programs. Over the last year, we welcomed first Sokmean and now Sokmeng to our center.

Reaksmey and I walk step by step trusting Jesus for every single need for the KIAA children. We believe that God will touch many hearts and hands of God’s people to generously support these brothers and all the children staying in the KIAA center. We believe that the body of Christ will help build up these children’s education.

At present, there are 12 children living with the KIAA family and each has a story like this one. There are also many more children in a similar position of need.

Please continue to pray for all these KIAA children to receive sponsors to help each child in the amount of $70 per month, so $840 per year for each of the children living at the center, totaling $10080 for the 12 children staying currently in the KIAA center. We affirm empowering Cambodian children to improve their quality of life through education. You can change these children’s future through your love and sponsor them.
Thank you for you all of your support.
May God bless you all abundantly